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Album3D Builder

Builder users using their own Album3D imag allows you to create 3D maze galleries ...


"Album3D Builder users using their own imag allows you to create 3D maze galleries ..."< br> Photo Album-Album3D digital Doom is like. This is your personal virtual picture gallery looks like, but only provides photos and other images to see. Album3D, it. Wav & can play AVI video, Autodesk Animator FLI and FLC files can be displayed. Mp3 files and uses MIDI music files for presentations to add some beauty.

Users can walk in their galleries in real time. Album3D external documents, web sites, etc. many commercial, exhibition and advertising environments will be a good solution for the video connection provides. Family Album Creator or creators Album3D by hobby can be used with great success. Maze of stand-alone application to friends or customers can be sent as a creation, even after a single file.

This house can be used in an image viewer, Photo Organizer, and as a means of simple presentation.

who needs an interactive preview of their products you can create impressive business enterprises, CDs and Album3D. Only hand, about flowers, food, etc.

Other virtual gallery
If you think differently, Album3D a free hand movement can be controlled and film and a fresh and interesting as the photos show provides.

Album3D features include:
AVI movies / FLI, FLC animation support
BMP / JPEG / TGA images support
GIF transparency support
MIDI & WAV and MP3 audio and volume control
free movement in the maze
web links and local document
Creating screen
and many other can now download free Album3D Builder 1.7.

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